Monday, 29 November 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!!

The Maple and Acorn children have been having a whale of a time this morning, playing in the snow. They have made snowmen, had snowball fights (where Miss Bavin ended up looking like frosty the snowman) and had a walk through the snow-covered grounds.
Building a snowman.
"Look at my giant snowball". I'm rather glad that one didn't get thrown at me!!
"Watch out!!"

Making snow angles.
These amazing action shots were taken by Niamh- watch out David Bailey!!

Thinking of interesting ways to transport the snow.

Acorns digging in the snow-wonder if they found anything?

Creating our own snowstorms.

Exploring the winter environment.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Hope you guys had fun in the snow. I love playing in the snow. It's really fun.

    Commented By: Ritesh Patel
